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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Evaluation of Binocular Eye Trackers and Algorithms for 3D Gaze Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments, , und . Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, (Januar 2009)3D fixations in real and virtual scenarios, , , und . Journal of Eye Movement Research, (2007)A Simplified Inverse Kinematic Approach for Embodied VR Applications, , , und . Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE VR) conference, (2016)Accelerated Stereo Rendering with Hybrid Reprojection-Based Rasterization and Adaptive Ray-Tracing., , , und . VR, Seite 828-835. IEEE, (2020)The Influence of Avatar Embodiment on Time Perception - Towards VR for Time-Based Therapy, , , , und . Frontiers in Virtual Reality, (2021)Proteus Effect or Bodily Affordance? The Influence of Virtual High-Heels on Gait Behavior, , und . Virtual Reality, 28 (2): 81 (2024)Controllers & Inputs: Masters of Puppets, , , und . Volume Avatar, Assembled -- The Social and Technical Anatomy of Digital Bodies, 106 von Digital Formations, Kapitel Controllers & Inputs: Masters of Puppets, Seite 281-290. Peter Lang, (2017)Approaching Difficult Terrain with Sensitivity: A Virtual Reality Game on the Five Stages of Grief, , , , und . 2019 11th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games), Seite 1--4. IEEE, (2019)The Impact of Pokémon Go and Why It's Not about Augmented Reality - Results from a Qualitative Survey., , und . VS-GAMES, Seite 1-2. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)Semantic Modelling for Virtual Worlds -- A Novel Paradigm for Realtime Interactive Systems?, und . Proceedings of the ACM VRST 2008, Seite 17-20. (2008)