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A Performance Evaluation of a Lisp-Based Data-Driven Machine (EM-3), , and . ISCA, page 363-369. ACM, (1983)Dataflow computer development in Japan., , , , and . ICS, page 140-147. ACM, (1990)Tolerating Communication Latency through Dynamic Thread Invocation in a Multithreaded Architecture., , , , and . Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages, volume 1808 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 525-552. Springer, (2001)The Execution Model and the Architecture for Real-Time Parallel Systems., , , and . IFIP Congress (1), volume A-51 of IFIP Transactions, page 177-182. North-Holland, (1994)Design and Implementation of a Versatile Interconnection Network in the EM-4., , and . ICPP (1), page 426-430. CRC Press, (1991)Programming with Distributed Data Structure for EM-X Multiprocessor., , , , and . Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming, volume 907 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 472-483. Springer, (1994)Parallel Execution of Radix Sort Program Using Fine-Grain Communication., , , , , and . IEEE PACT, page 136-145. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Identifying the capability of overlapping computation with communication., , , , , , , and . IEEE PACT, page 133-138. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Parallel bidirectional heuristic search on the EM-4 multiprocessor., , , , and . SPDP, page 100-107. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)A Macrotask-level Unlimited Speculative Execution on Multiprocessors., , , , , and . International Conference on Supercomputing, page 328-337. ACM, (1995)