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Cloud management., , и . J. Internet Serv. Appl., 3 (1): 67-75 (2012)Fine-Grained Heterogeneous Execution Framework with Energy Aware Scheduling., , , , , , , и . CLOUD, стр. 35-44. IEEE, (2023)Interview - Fred B. Schneider on Distributed Computing., и . IEEE Distributed Systems Online, (2000)Embedded systems.. IEEE Concurrency, 8 (4): 80-90 (2000)Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Cloud Computing., , , и . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 24 (6): 1062-1065 (2013)Artificial General Intelligence: Humanity's Downturn or Unlimited Prosperity., , , , и . Computer, 56 (10): 93-101 (октября 2023)Hardware-Software Co-Design for an Analog-Digital Accelerator for Machine Learning., , , , , , , , , и 10 other автор(ы). ICRC, стр. 1-13. IEEE, (2018)SML Model-based Management., , , , , и . Integrated Network Management, стр. 761-764. IEEE, (2007)Introduction.. WETICE, стр. 216. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)SHIELD: Sustainable Hybrid Evolutionary Learning Framework for Carbon, Wastewater, and Energy-Aware Data Center Management., , , и . IGSC, стр. 56-62. ACM, (2023)