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Immersive competence and immersive literacy: Exploring how users learn about immersive experiences.

, , , , , , , and . Frontiers Virtual Real., (March 2023)

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Immersive competence and immersive literacy: Exploring how users learn about immersive experiences., , , , , , , and . Frontiers Virtual Real., (March 2023)Mapping Carbon Monoxide Using GPS Tracked Sensors, and . Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 124 (1-3): 1-19 (2007)A Way to a Universal VR Accessibility Toolkit., and . CoRR, (2021)Profiling Distributed Virtual Environments by Tracing Causality., , , , and . VR, page 238-245. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)SphereAvatar: a situated display to represent a remote collaborator., , and . CHI, page 2551-2560. ACM, (2012)Magnification Vision - a Novel Gaze-Directed User Interface., and . VR Workshops, page 474-475. IEEE, (2021)Metameric Varifocal Holograms., , , , , , , , and . VR, page 746-755. IEEE, (2022)Recording and Replaying Virtual Environments for Development and Diagnosis., , and . VR Developer Gems, A K Peters/CRC Press, (2019)Supporting Co-Presence in Populated Virtual Environments by Actor Takeover of Animated Characters., , and . ISMAR, page 940-949. IEEE, (2023)An Approach to the Evaluation of Ownership Management Techniques in Collaborative Virtual Environments., , , , and . EGVE (Short Papers & Posters), Eurographics Association, (2007)