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Building a Remote Laboratory for Advanced Experiments in Transmission Line Theory., , , and . EDUCON, page 718-721. IEEE, (2019)Automatic generation of web client interfaces for remote execution of Matlab simulations., and ., page 37-42. IEEE, (2017)A federation of VISIR remote laboratories through the PILAR Project., , , , , , , , , and 10 other author(s)., page 28-32. IEEE, (2017)The Development of a Learning Arrangement in a Human Eye Remote Laboratory., , , , and . EDUCON, page 1-6. IEEE, (2024)A Virtual Reality Prototype for the VISIR Remote Lab., , and . IMCL, volume 411 of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, page 874-884. Springer, (2021)Remote Training for Firefighter Group Commanders., , , , and . ICL (1), volume 1328 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 756-763. Springer, (2020)PILAR: Sharing VISIR Remote Labs Through a Federation., , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). EDUCON, page 102-106. IEEE, (2019)Experimenting in PILAR federation: A common path for the future., , , , , , , , , and 12 other author(s). EDUCON, page 1518-1523. IEEE, (2018)An online DC-motor test bench for engineering education., , and . EDUCON, page 1484-1488. IEEE, (2018)Low-cost Remote Laboratory Concept based on NI myDAQ and NI ELVIS for Electronic Engineering Education., , , and . EDUCON, page 106-109. IEEE, (2020)