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Requirements gathering for assistive technology that includes low vision and sighted users., , , и . UsARE@ICSE, стр. 25-31. IEEE, (2012)Accelerating K-12 computational thinking using scaffolding, staging, and abstraction., , , , и . SIGCSE, стр. 609-614. ACM, (2013)Access lecture: a mobile application providing visual access to classroom material., , , и . ASSETS, стр. 223-224. ACM, (2011)AccessBraille: tablet-based braille entry., , и . ASSETS, стр. 341-342. ACM, (2014)Developing SAGAT Probes to Evaluate Blind Individuals' Situation Awareness when Traveling Indoor Environments., и . ASSETS, стр. 305-306. ACM, (2015)How Teachers of the Visually Impaired Compensate with the Absence of Accessible Block-Based Languages., и . ASSETS, стр. 4:1-4:10. ACM, (2021)An introductory software engineering course that facilitates active learning., , и . SIGCSE, стр. 302-306. ACM, (2005)Science Needs You: Mobilizing for Diversity in Award Recognition., , , и . Commun. ACM, 67 (8): 18-21 (августа 2024)Exploration of the Use of Auditory Cues in Code Comprehension and Navigation for Individuals with Visual Impairments in a Visual Programming Environment., , и . ASSETS, стр. 279-280. ACM, (2016)An Evaluation of AccessBraille: A Tablet-Based Braille Keyboard for Individuals with Visual Impairments., , и . HCI (28), том 529 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 369-374. Springer, (2015)