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Grasp-based visual servoing for gripper-to-object positioning., , , и . IROS, стр. 118-123. IEEE, (2004)Visual grasp determination and tracking in 2D dynamic scenarios., , , , и . IROS, стр. 25-30. IEEE, (2002)A framework for compliant physical interaction., , и . Auton. Robots, 28 (1): 89-111 (2010)Users' attitudes toward service robots in South Korea., и . Ind. Robot, 40 (1): 77-87 (2013)Contact localization through robot and object motion from point clouds., , , и . Humanoids, стр. 268-273. IEEE, (2013)Compliant interaction in household environments by the Armar-III humanoid robot., , , , и . Humanoids, стр. 475-480. IEEE, (2008)A Control Architecture for Compliant Execution of Manipulation Tasks., , и . IROS, стр. 4472-4477. IEEE, (2006)Proposal of a REST-Based Architecture Server to Control a Robot., , , и . IMIS, стр. 708-710. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)3D Grasp Synthesis Based on Object Exploration., , , , и . ROBIO, стр. 1065-1070. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)An Automatic Transformation from Bimodal to Pseudo-Binary Images., , и . ICIAP (1), том 1310 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 231-238. Springer, (1997)