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Integration of an LMS, an IR and a Remote Lab., , , , , and . REV, 22, page 957-972. Springer, (2017)Human Arm Stabilization and Rehabilitation using Intelligent Control Techniques., , and . BIBM, page 2692-2697. IEEE, (2020)An Electric and Electronic Circuit Remote Laboratory in a Control Course., and . EDUCON, page 687-694. IEEE, (2022)Design and Development of an Autonomous Mobile Robot for Inspection of Soy and Cotton Crops., , , , , , and . DeSE, page 557-562. IEEE, (2019)Control Techniques for Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation: A Brief Survey., , and . BIBM, page 2998-3005. IEEE, (2021)VISIR+ Project Follow-up after four years: Educational and research impact., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). FIE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Industry 4.0: Construction of a Waterproof Wearable Biosignal Device to Assist in Submerged Offshore Work., , , , , and . CoDIT, page 159-164. IEEE, (2022)In-depth Analysis and Creation of Vital Alerts System for Offshore Submerged Work., , , , and . CoDIT, page 2217-2222. IEEE, (2023)