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"Not Some Trumped Up Beef": Assessing Credibility of Online Restaurant Reviews., , и . INTERACT (3), том 9298 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 116-131. Springer, (2015)The Social Behaviors of Experts in Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games., , , , , , , и . CSE (4), стр. 326-331. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)The Many Faces of Mentoring in an MMORPG., , , , , , и . SocialCom/PASSAT, стр. 270-275. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Seller activity in a virtual marketplace., , , и . First Monday, (2010)Group Membership and Diffusion in Virtual Worlds., , , , и . SocialCom/PASSAT, стр. 331-338. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Gender, Identity, and Language Use in Teenage Blogs., и . J. Comput. Mediat. Commun., (2005)Are privacy concerns a turn-off?: engagement and privacy in social networks., , , и . SOUPS, стр. 10. ACM, (2012)GTPA: A Generative Model For Online Mentor-Apprentice Networks., , , , , и . AAAI, стр. 1294-1299. AAAI Press, (2010)Talking in circles: selective sharing in google+., , , и . CHI, стр. 1065-1074. ACM, (2012)Focused on the prize: Characteristics of experts in massive multiplayer online games., , , , , , , и . First Monday, (2011)