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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Challenges to integrate software testing into introductory programming courses., , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Catalog of pedagogical practices, theories and teaching procedures for the elderly: contributions to the development of m-learning guidelines., , , , und . FIE, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2022)An Empirical Investigation on a Pedagogical Pattern Language for Mobile Learning Applications., , , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2018)A survey on graduates' curriculum-based knowledge gaps in software testing., , , , und . FIE, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Coordinating Multiple Views Using an Ontology-Based Semantic Mapping., , , und . IV, Seite 192-197. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Packaging Controlled Experiments Using an Evolutionary Approach Based on Ontology(S)., , und . SEKE, Seite 408-413. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2011)The Role of Technology to Teaching and Learning Sign Languages: A Systematic Mapping., , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2020)Teaching Practices of Software Testing in Programming Education., , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2020)Software Testing in Introductory Programming Courses: A Systematic Mapping Study., , , und . SIGCSE, Seite 421-427. ACM, (2019)Towards the Role of Test Design in Programming Assignments., , , , und . CSEE&T, Seite 170-179. IEEE, (2017)