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Visual Approach for Change Impact Analysis: A Controlled Experiment., , , и . ITNG, стр. 391-396. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Analysis of scalability in distributed virtual environments using the application-layer anycasting., , , , и . ISCC, стр. 1-6. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Towards the Role of Test Design in Programming Assignments., , , , и . CSEE&T, стр. 170-179. IEEE, (2017)MOOCs on the Context of Software Engineering Teaching and Training: Trends and Challenges., , и . FIE, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2018)A survey on graduates' curriculum-based knowledge gaps in software testing., , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Integrating SPOCs in Software Testing Education: Evidence in Emergency Remote Courses., , , , и . Informatics Educ., 22 (1): 121-139 (2023)Coordinated Multiple Views to Support Image Retrieval., , , и . IV, стр. 139-144. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Teaching and learning software project management: A hands-on approach., , , , и . FIE, стр. 1-7. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)Coordinating Multiple Views Using an Ontology-Based Semantic Mapping., , , и . IV, стр. 192-197. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)