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Near-Optimal Mobile Robot Recharging with the Rate-Maximizing Forager., and . ECAL, volume 4648 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 776-785. Springer, (2007)Optimal Robot Recharging Strategies For Time Discounted Labour., and . ALIFE, page 670-677. MIT Press, (2008)SO-LOST - An Ant-Trail Algorithm for Multi-Robot Navigation with Active Interference Reduction., and . ALIFE, page 687-693. MIT Press, (2010)Modeling multi-robot interaction using generalized occupancy grids, with application to reducing spatial interference., and . ICRA, page 1922-1927. IEEE, (2008)Whistling in the dark: cooperative trail following in uncertain localization space., , , and . Agents, page 187-194. ACM, (2000)Evaluating Control Strategies for Wireless-Networked Robots Using an Integrated Robot and Network Simulation., , , and . ICRA, page 2941-2947. IEEE, (2001)Robot task switching under diminishing returns., and . IROS, page 5033-5038. IEEE, (2009)Ready - Aim - Fly! Hands-Free Face-Based HRI for 3D Trajectory Control of UAVs., , and . CRV, page 307-313. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Fall in! Sorting a Group of Robots with a Continuous Controller., and . CRV, page 269-276. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Integrating multi-modal interfaces to command UAVs., , , , , , and . HRI, page 106. ACM, (2014)