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UI Design for an Engineering Process: Programming Experiments on a Liquid Handling Robot., , , , , and . IRC, page 196-203. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Representation and shape estimation of Odin, a parallel under-actuated modular robot., , and . IROS, page 5275-5280. IEEE, (2009)Efficient enumeration of modular robot configurations and shapes., and . IROS, page 4296-4301. IEEE, (2013)How to make a self-reconfigurable robot run., , and . AAMAS, page 813-820. ACM, (2002)Self-Reconfiguration Using Directed Growth., and . DARS, page 3-12. Springer, (2004)On the efficiency of local and global communication in modular robots., , and . IROS, page 1502-1508. IEEE, (2009)Self-Organized Construction with Continuous Building Material: Higher Flexibility Based on Braided Structures., , , , , , , and . FAS*W@SASO/ICCAC, page 154-159. IEEE, (2016)Fractal Gene Regulatory Networks for Robust Locomotion Control of Modular Robots., , , , and . SAB, volume 6226 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 544-554. Springer, (2010)Death and Progress: How Evolvability is Influenced by Intrinsic Mortality., , , , and . Artif. Life, 26 (1): 90-111 (2020)How to Construct Dense Objects with Self-Recondfigurable Robots.. EUROS, volume 22 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, page 27-37. Springer, (2006)