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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Discriminant neural predictive coding applied to phoneme recognition., , , und . Neurocomputing, (2004)Perception and human interaction for developmental learning of objects and affordances., , , , , , , und . Humanoids, Seite 248-254. IEEE, (2012)Social Robots in Learning Scenarios: Useful Tools to Improve Students' Attention or Potential Sources of Distraction?, , , , und . ICSR (2), Volume 13818 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 124-134. Springer, (2022)Exploring the Difference between Solving and Teaching in Sensorimotor Tasks., und . HRI (Companion), Seite 139-141. ACM, (2020)Characterization of coordination in an imitation task: human evaluation and automatically computable cues., und . ICMI, Seite 343-350. ACM, (2011)Socially Guided XCS: Using Teaching Signals to Boost Learning., , und . GECCO (Companion), Seite 1021-1028. ACM, (2015)Interactive Technologies for Autistic Children: A Review., , , , , , und . Cogn. Comput., 6 (4): 722-740 (2014)The social Simon effect in the tactile sensory modality: a negative finding., , , , und . Cogn. Process., 20 (3): 299-307 (2019)MobiAxis: An Embodied Learning Task for Teaching Multiplication with a Social Robot., , , , und . CoRR, (2020)Towards Teachable Autonomous Agents., , , , , und . CoRR, (2021)