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Key Action Technique for Digital Storytelling., и . ICEC, том 3711 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 36-47. Springer, (2005)Example-based interpolation of human motion., и . SIGGRAPH Abstracts and Applications, стр. 180. ACM, (2002)Flexible foot interface for versatile training field., , , и . SIGGRAPH Posters, ACM, (2009)Onomatopoeia characters extraction from comic images using constrained Delaunay triangulation., , , и . Visual Information Processing and Communication, том 9029 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 90290G. SPIE, (2014)ICA-based interpolation of human motion., и . CIRA, стр. 453-458. IEEE, (2003)Kangaroo: the trampoline entertainment system for aiding exercise., , , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, том 352 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 414. ACM, (2008)Embodied 3D story space., , , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, стр. 307-312. ACM, (2004)Automatic dance generation from music annotation., , и . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, стр. 352-353. ACM, (2004)Fast template matching using Brick Partitioning and initial threshold., , и . ICPR, стр. 687-691. IEEE, (2016)Independent component analysis and synthesis of human motion., и . ICASSP, стр. 3564-3567. IEEE, (2002)