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FPGA realization of RNS to binary signed conversion architecture., , , и . ISCAS (4), стр. 350-353. IEEE, (2001)A Wireless Sensor Node Based on Microbial Fuel Cell., , , , и . ApplePies, том 409 из Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, стр. 143-150. Springer, (2015)Digital Signal Processing Accelerator for RISC-V., , , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 703-706. IEEE, (2019)IP based reconfigurable digital platform for satellite communications., , и . ISCAS (2), стр. 37-40. IEEE, (2003)Compressive sensing spectrum analysis for space autonomous radio receivers., , , и . ACSSC, стр. 492-494. IEEE, (2013)Power efficient design of parallel/serial FIR filters in RNS., , , , и . ACSCC, стр. 1015-1019. IEEE, (2012)Bipolar and CMOS low voltage-supply reduced-power voltage followers., , , и . ICECS, стр. 1503-1506. IEEE, (1999)System-on-Chip Oriented Fault-Tolerant Sequential Systems Implementation Methodology., , , , , и . DFT, стр. 455-460. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)A Fault-Tolerant 176 Gbit Solid State Mass Memory Architecture., , , и . DFT, стр. 173-. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Design and characterization of a high-safety hardware/software module for the acquisition of Eurobalise telegrams., , , , , , , и . DFT, стр. 111-114. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)