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A new vertex result for robustness problems with interval matrix uncertainty., , , and . Syst. Control. Lett., 57 (6): 474-481 (2008)Receding Horizon Optimization of Large Trade Orders., , , and . IEEE Access, (2021)Distributed Model Predictive Control techniques applied to an irrigation canal., , , and . ECC, page 3276-3281. IEEE, (2013)Characterization of min-max MPC with bounded uncertainties and a quadratic criterion., and . ACC, page 358-363. IEEE, (2002)Kernel based State-Space Kriging: Application to predictive control., , and . CDC, page 215-220. IEEE, (2022)Efficient implementation of constrained min-max model predictive control with bounded uncertainties., , and . CDC, page 3168-3173. IEEE, (2002)Nonlinear MBPC for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Genetic Algorithms., , , and . ICRA, page 2452-2457. IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, (1999)Min-Max Model Predictive Control of a pilot plant., , , , and . ACC, page 1115-1120. IEEE, (2008)Learning-based predictive control for MIMO systems., , , , , , and . CDC, page 7671-7676. IEEE, (2019)On the piecewise linear nature of min-max model predictive control with bounded uncertainties., and . CDC, page 4845-4850. IEEE, (2001)