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Incremental ATPG methods for multiple faults under multiple fault models., , , and . ISQED, page 177-180. IEEE, (2015)Invariant-Strengthened Elimination of Dependent State Elements., , , , and . FMCAD, page 1-9. IEEE, (2008)Scalable min-register retiming under timing and initializability constraints., , and . DAC, page 534-539. ACM, (2008)NINJA: boolean modelling and formal verification of tiered-rate chemical reaction networks (extended abstract)., , , , , , and . BCB, page 623-624. ACM, (2014)m-Inductive Property of Sequential Circuits., , and . IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 35 (6): 919-930 (2016)A theory of nondeterministic networks., and . IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 25 (6): 977-999 (2006)Topologically constrained logic synthesis., , and . ICCAD, page 679-686. ACM / IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Automated Extraction of Inductive Invariants to Aid Model Checking., , and . FMCAD, page 165-172. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Combinational techniques for sequential equivalence checking., , , and . FMCAD, page 145-149. IEEE, (2010)On-the-fly and DAG-aware: Rewriting Boolean Networks with Exact Synthesis., , , , and . DATE, page 1649-1654. IEEE, (2019)