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Sandslash: A Two-Level Framework for Efficient Graph Pattern Mining., , , , and . CoRR, (2020)Compiling for Distributed Memory Architectures., and . IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., 5 (3): 281-298 (1994)Locality of Reference and Parallel Processing.. Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, Springer, (2011)Hypergraph Grammars in Non-stationary hp-adaptive Finite Element Method., , , , and . ICCS, volume 80 of Procedia Computer Science, page 875-886. Elsevier, (2016)Sandslash: a two-level framework for efficient graph pattern mining., , , , and . ICS, page 378-391. ACM, (2021)Automatic Tuning of Task Scheduling Policies on Multicore Architectures., , , , and . PARCO, volume 27 of Advances in Parallel Computing, page 11-21. IOS Press, (2015)Generalized Dominance and Control Dependence., and . PLDI, page 291-300. ACM, (1996)Process Decomposition Through Locality of Reference., and . PLDI, page 69-80. ACM, (1989)Solving Alignment Using Elementary Linear Algebra., , , , and . Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages, volume 1808 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 385-412. Springer, (2001)Ordered vs. unordered: a comparison of parallelism and work-efficiency in irregular algorithms., , and . PPoPP, page 3-12. ACM, (2011)