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Multi-robot localization via GPS and relative measurements in the presence of asynchronous and lossy communication., , , , and . ECC, page 2527-2532. IEEE, (2016)Learning and Sequencing of Object-Centric Manipulation Skills for Industrial Tasks., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). IROS, page 9072-9079. IEEE, (2020)Gripper Design Optimization for Effective Grasping of Diverse Object Geometries., , and . CoDIT, page 1-6. IEEE, (2023)GResilience: Trading Off Between the Greenness and the Resilience of Collaborative AI Systems., , , and . ICTSS, volume 14131 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 266-273. Springer, (2023)Modeling Resilience of Collaborative AI Systems., , , and . CAIN, page 24-29. ACM, (2024)Distributed localization from relative noisy measurements: A robust gradient based approach., , , and . ECC, page 1914-1919. IEEE, (2015)DC power flow feasibility: Positive vs. negative loads.. CDC, page 3258-3263. IEEE, (2017)Optimal voltage support and Stress Minimization in power networks., , , , and . CDC, page 6921-6926. IEEE, (2015)A distributed dual-ascent approach for power control of wireless power transfer networks., , , and . CDC, page 3507-3512. IEEE, (2017)Supervised Training of Dense Object Nets using Optimal Descriptors for Industrial Robotic Applications., , , , , , and . AAAI, page 6093-6100. AAAI Press, (2021)