Megan Torrance uses survey data to assess the current state of xAPI adoption and the differing perspectives among non-adopters, adopters, and providers.
The emergence of learning analytics afforded for the analysis of digital traces of user interaction with technology. This analysis offers many opportunities to advance understanding and enhance learning and the environments in which learning occurs.
Now that the “the only constant is change” in society, our capacity to engage with novel challenges is of first order importance. What are the personal dispositions that authentic learning needs to cultivate, and can we make these assessable and visible to learners and educators?
Talk about how to address the design of learning experiences in the current digital environments and how to take into account the student perspective, motivation, feedback, and other various aspects.
I'll start this article by making one simple statement: Feedback loops work. Why? That’s the way we human beings learn, as feedback provides us with a sense of where we stand and an evaluation of our progress.
Trusted Learning Analytics beruhen auf vertrauensvollen Beziehungen zwischen Anwendern und Nutzern
FRAGEN AN (II/II) Hendrik Drachsler, Professor an der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt und Leiter des Arbeitsbereichs „Educational Technologies“ am DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, der sich nicht nur mit Bildungstechnologien auseinandersetzt, sondern auch daran arbeitet Learning Analytics an deutsche Hochschulen zu bringen.
Im Interview legt Informatik-Professor Hendrik Drachsler vom DIPF dar, was es braucht, um die neuen Techniken sinnvoll und vertrauenswürdig für das Lehren und Lernen nutzen zu können. Der Experte für Educational Technologies und Learning Analytics beleuchtet die Entwicklung in Deutschland und erläutert, welchen Beitrag die Wissenschaft leisten kann.