The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) is an independent academic institute within the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. The institute focuses on the improvement of life chances, on social justice and fair working and living conditions.
Après avoir longtemps nié la réalité de la crise sanitaire, la présidente de la Commission s'est bornée pendant des semaines à s’exprimer quasi exclusivement dans les médias germaniques, laissant penser qu'elle n'a toujours pas pris la mesure de son rôle à l'échelle de l'Union.
The digital transformation of the economy is a multifaceted topic with large implications for labour markets, the world of work and society at large. It is dealt with in a variety of ways by EU member states, due to different social and economic situations, labour markets and industrial relations systems and existing initiatives, practices and collective agreements.
In February 2011, three European-level trade union federations representing manufacturing workers agreed on a joint strategy to achieve stronger worker involvement in multinational companies. This joint approach has been triggered at least in part by a revised European Works Council directive, which came into force in June. The three federations want companies to find better ways to anticipate and manage change to minimise the negative impact it can have on employees.
Vint Cerf, Tim Berners-Lee, and Dozens of Other Computing Experts Oppose Article 13As Europe's latest copyright proposal heads to a critical vote on June 20-21, more than 70 Internet and computing luminaries have spoken out against a dangerous provision, Article 13, that would require Internet...
Die EU-Kommission hat eine Umfrage zum offenen Zugang zu und zur Langzeitverfügbarkeit von wissenschaftlichen Informationen gestartet. Es geht vor allem um das umstrittene „Open Access“-Prinzip.
Der Kölner Schriftsteller und Orient-Wissenschaftler Navid Kermani ist am Freitagabend in Bremen mit dem Hannah-Arendt-Preis für politisches Denken ausgezeichnet worden. Wir dokumentieren Auszüge aus Kermanis Preisrede.
The Union of Free Trade Unions of Slovenia (ZSSS) has criticised an increase in funding by the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Affairs for workers who want to become self-employed. The ZSSS claims that the ministry is promoting a precarious form of work, and that the ministry needs to focus on training for self-employed people. It also argues that the ministry is allowing the practice of bogus self-employment, which is rife in the construction sector, to go unchecked.
While the Europe 2020 strategy actively promotes entrepreneurial self-employment as a means to create good jobs, policy makers at national and EU level are actively looking at better social protection for self-employed workers. Understanding this paradox requires looking beyond the ‘self-employed’ label and acknowledging it as an umbrella term covering a widely differing group of workers.
German Data Privacy Commissioner Ulrich Kelber is also a computer scientist, which makes him uniquely qualified to comment on the potential consequences of the proposed new EU Copyright Directive. The Directive will be voted on at the end of this month, and its Article 13 requires that online...
Today, the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation was signed by BusinessEurope, ETUC, CEEP and SMEunited to support the successful digital transformation of Europe’s economy and to manage its large implications for labour markets, the world of work and society at large.
In an interview with Investigate Europe, Emily O'Reilly, the European Union’s Ombudsman, criticizes the lack of legislative transparency in the Council of the EU.
Millionen Lieferdienst- und Taxifahrer großer Online-Plattformen können auf bessere Arbeitsbedingungen hoffen. Die EU-Staaten sprachen sich für neue Vorgaben...
This report examines the extent of the phenomenon of the posting of workers, the respective roles played both by European and national-level legislation in determining the employment and working conditions of posted workers and the relative roles played by legislation and collective bargaining – and how these two domains interplay.
The social partners asked the European Commission to forward their agreement for decision by the Council, in accordance with the procedures enshrined in the Treaty, so as to make it binding in the EU member states. Yet before the Commission had taken any initiative whatsoever, ten governments announced that they would oppose any form of regulation in this area.
A recovery plan would lead to a better integrated European union, it would be beneficial for all countries, and be an act of solidarity with countries in difficulty; it is based on democracy, stability and cohesiveness. It would substantially contribute to modernising national economies and improving productivity.
La directive sur le secret des affaires pose des premiers jalons. Mais la création d’un véritable statut des lanceurs d’alerte risque de se faire attendre.
Im Mai 2017 legte der Trojaner "Wanna Cry" tausende deutsche Behördenrechner lahm. Dennoch kaufen Bund, Länder und Kommunen ihre Betriebssysteme weiterhin bei Microsoft. Eine vom rbb mitproduzierte ARD-Doku zeigt auf, wie ...