The European Commission is laying the groundwork for a legislative initiative to regulate the use of algorithms for managing, monitoring and recruiting workers.
The world of work is undergoing a major process of change. In order to understand and to respond effectively to these new challenges the International Labour Organization has launched a "Future of Work initiative" in order to be able to advance its mandate for social justice.
Weltweit legten die Löhne im vergangenen Jahr nach Angaben der UN-Arbeitsorganisation zwar zu. Aber im Gegenzug stieg auch die Produktivität der Arbeitnehmer – schneller sogar als die Löhne, die Umverteilung zu Gunsten der Arbeitgeber hält an.
The Global Dialogue Forum on Conditions of Personnel in Early Childhood Education was held at the International Labour Office, Geneva, 22–23 February 2012. Based on these consultations and decisions of the Governing Body, the Office had prepared an international study on early childhood education (ECE) in 2011, with a focus on the training, of educators, employment and working environment in early childhood education, which served as a major background source for the Forum’s deliberations.
Die Sparpolitik der Troika ist juristisch angreifbar und verstößt teils gegen Menschenrechte, sagt der Jurist Andreas Fischer-Lescano. Er fordert eine Prüfung der Verträge und bereitet damit den Boden für Klagen gegen den EU-Kurs.
A global framework agreement can be an effective tool to advance the implementation of the Global Compact labour principles and improve industrial relations.
This issue of the International Journal of Labour Research is wholly dedicated to the question of the minimum wage, a matter that has gained in importance and profile in recent years. No doubt, the main reasons behind this rise in prominence relate to the stagnation of wages in several parts of the world, a generalized increase in earnings inequality as well as the rise in social unrest across the globe.
The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) was established in 1966 and its general purpose is to promote the study of labour and employment relations throughout the world in the relevant academic disciplines.
In this year’s November session, the ILO Committee on Freedom of Association – the supervisory body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) that examines cases concerning employers’ and trade unions’ rights to organize, collective bargaining and social dialogue – examined an extensive deficit of social dialogue in austerity measures taken in Greece and highlighted the need for ILO assistance in the country.
Wie berichtet, haben CDU/CSU und FDP diese Woche die Ratifizierung des internationalen Abkommens zum Schutz der Menschenrechte indigener Völker, die Konvention ILO 169 gegen die Stimmen von SPD, Grünen und Linken abgelehnt.
D. Vaughan-Whitehead (Eds.) Geneva, International Labour Office, International Labour Office, (June 2012)Conference organized by the International Labour Office in cooperation with the European Commission, Brussels, 21–22 June 2012.