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Computing reliability: On the differences between software testing and software fault injection techniques., , , , , and . Microprocess. Microsystems, (2017)Reliability of computing systems: From flip flops to variables., , , , and . IOLTS, page 196-198. IEEE, (2017)Towards approximation during test of Integrated Circuits., , , , , and . DDECS, page 28-33. IEEE, (2017)Synthesis of Finite State Machines on Memristor Crossbars., , , , , and . DDECS, page 107-112. IEEE, (2018)Assertion-aware approximate computing design exploration on behavioral models., , , , , and . LATS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2022)Delay Fault Diagnosis in Sequential Circuits., , , , , , and . Asian Test Symposium, page 355-360. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)Testing approximate digital circuits: Challenges and opportunities., , , , and . LATS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2018)A Mixed Approach for Unified Logic Diagnosis., , , , , and . DDECS, page 239-242. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)SoC Symbolic Simulation: a case study on delay fault testing., , , and . DDECS, page 320-325. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Sensitivity Analysis and Compression Opportunities in DNNs Using Weight Sharing., , , and . DDECS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)