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High Frequency Walking Pattern Generation based on Preview Control of ZMP., and . ICRA, page 2667-2672. IEEE, (2006)Hand-position Oriented Humanoid Walking Motion Control System., , , , and . ISER, volume 21 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, page 239-248. Springer, (2004)Online Humanoid Walking Control and 3D Vision-based Locomotion., , , , , , and . ISER, volume 5 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, page 85-94. Springer, (2002)Strategies for adjusting the ZMP reference trajectory for maintaining balance in humanoid walking., and . ICRA, page 4230-4236. IEEE, (2010)Online design of torso height trajectories for walking patterns that takes future kinematic limits into consideration., and . ICRA, page 2029-2034. IEEE, (2011)Grasp planning in complex scenes., , , , and . Humanoids, page 42-48. IEEE, (2007)Learning object models for whole body manipulation., , and . Humanoids, page 174-179. IEEE, (2007)Online decision of foot placement using singular LQ preview regulation., , , , , and . Humanoids, page 13-18. IEEE, (2011)GS-Pose: Category-Level Object Pose Estimation via Geometric and Semantic Correspondence., , , and . CoRR, (2023)GPU-accelerated real-time 3D tracking for humanoid locomotion and stair climbing., , , , , and . IROS, page 463-469. IEEE, (2007)