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An Application of Statistical Databases in Manufacturing Testing.. ICDE, page 96-103. IEEE Computer Society, (1984)On the theory of consecutive storage of relevant records.. Inf. Sci., (1973)SIAM: Statistics Information Access Method.. SSDBM, page 286-293. EUROSTAT, (1986)Statistical databases: Design of experiment structures. Information Systems, 18 (4): 233 - 247 (1993)Some Very Large Data Bases in Developing Countries., , , and . VLDB, page 173-182. IEEE Computer Society, (1979)Library of Congress Number 7987908.EXPRESS: A Data EXtraction, Processing, amd REStructuring System., , , , and . ACM Trans. Database Syst., 2 (2): 134-174 (1977)Statistical Relational Model.. SSDBM, volume 339 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 338-355. Springer, (1988)Data Engineering for Intelligent Inference: Statistical Data.. ICDE, page 281. IEEE Computer Society, (1987)Introduction., and . AFIPS National Computer Conference, volume 47 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, AFIPS Press, (1978)Future of the Consecutive Retrieval Property.. FODO, page 3-15. Academic Press, (1981)