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On automated e-business negotiations: Goal, policy, strategy, and plans of decision and action., , and . J. Organ. Comput. Electron. Commer., 16 (1): 1-29 (2006)A Self-Managing Secondary Memory System., , , and . ISCA, page 186-194. ACM, (1976)MICRONET's Architectural Support for Statistical Aggregations., and . SSDBM, page 228-230. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, (1981)A Rule-based Language for Deductive Object-Oriented Databases., , and . ICDE, page 58-67. IEEE Computer Society, (1990)OQL: A Query Language for Manipulating Object-oriented Databases., , and . VLDB, page 433-442. Morgan Kaufmann, (1989)Statement for the Session on Impact of New Technologies.. VLDB Surveys, page 219-220. North-Holland, (1978)Supporting Object Migration in Distributed Systems., and . DASFAA, volume 6 of Advanced Database Research and Development Series, page 59-66. World Scientific, (1997)Managing Semantic Data in an Associative Net.. SIGIR, page 105-116. ACM, (1971)Software Aspects of the CASSM System - Abstract., , and . SIGIR Forum, 10 (4): 29-31 (1976)An Event-Trigger-Rule Model for Supporting Collaborative Knowledge Sharing Among Distributed Organizations., , and . OTM Workshops (1), volume 4277 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 780-791. Springer, (2006)