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Storage estimation for multidimensional aggregates in OLAP., , and . CASCON, page 10. IBM, (1999)Distributed Programming Environment: Challenges., , , , , , , , and . Open Distributed Processing, volume C-1 of IFIP Transactions, page 379-394. North-Holland, (1991)Corrigenda: "The Logical Record Access Approach to Database Design"., and . ACM Comput. Surv., 12 (4): 465 (1980)A Comparative Analysis of Disk Scheduling Policies (Abstract)., and . SOSP, page 114-121. ACM, (1971)Operating System Review 6(1-2).Validation criteria for computer system simulations.. ANSS, page 161-173. IEEE, (1975)Database Modeling and Design - The Fundamental Principles, Second Edition.. Morgan Kaufmann series in data management systems Morgan Kaufmann, (1994)Network database evaluation using analytical modeling., and . AFIPS National Computer Conference, volume 47 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 833-842. AFIPS Press, (1978)A Pareto model for OLAP view size estimation., and . CASCON, page 13. IBM, (2001)Achieving scalability in OLAP materialized view selection., and . DOLAP, page 28-34. ACM, (2002)A Distributed System Architecture for a Distributed Application Environment., , , , , , , , , and . IBM Syst. J., 33 (3): 399-425 (1994)