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1978 New Orleans Data Base Design Workshop Report., , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). VLDB, page 328-339. IEEE Computer Society, (1979)Library of Congress Number 7987908.Wilbur Schramm and the '' Four Founders'' History of U.S. Communication Research. Communications. Media. Design, 2 (4): 5--18 (2018)Adaptive Synchronisation for a RoboCup Agent., and . RoboCup, volume 2752 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 135-149. Springer, (2002)The Field, Fermented: Prestige and the Vocational Bind in Communication Research. International Communication Gazette, 78 (7): 621-626 (2016)An artificial neural network representation for artificial organisms, and . Parallel Problem Solving In Nature, page 259--263. Springer-Verlag, (1991)Analysis of requirements for a large-scale information system.. COMPSAC, page 282. IEEE, (1979)Another Plea for the University Tradition: The Institutional Roots of Intellectual Compromise. International Journal of Communication, (2011)Waiting with José, a Vision-Based Mobile Robot., , , , , , and . ICRA, page 3698-3705. IEEE, (2002)Selection in massively parallel genetic algorithms, and . Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms and their application (ICGA), page 249--256. San Diego, CA, (1991)Linear decomposition of approximate multi-controlled single qubit gates., , , and . CoRR, (2023)