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Trip Report: ACM 1977.. SIGMOD Record, 9 (3): 2-5 (1977)Database Management Systems: Paradigm Shift or Changing Paradigm.. ER, page 727. ER Institute, (1991)An Approach to Designing an Entity-Relationship Schema.. ER, page 143-144. North-Holland, (1979)1978 New Orleans Data Base Design Workshop Report., , , , , , , , , and 6 other author(s). VLDB, page 328-339. IEEE Computer Society, (1979)Library of Congress Number 7987908.Storage Structure Definition Language (pre-discussion summary).. SIGFIDET Workshop, page 279. ACM, (1970)Towards a Formulation and Definition of Data Reorganization., and . SIGMOD Workshop, Vol. 1, page 83-100. ACM, (1974)Corrigenda: "The Logical Record Access Approach to Database Design"., and . ACM Comput. Surv., 12 (4): 465 (1980)Introduction to Storage Structure Definition.. SIGFIDET Workshop, page 315-328. ACM, (1970)Novel applications of information retrieval to the storage and management of computer models., and . Inf. Process. Manag., 25 (6): 629-646 (1989)SIGMOD(Panel Session): next steps., , , , , and . ACM Annual Conference, page 310-312. ACM, (1976)