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Board manufacturing test correlation to IC manufacturing test., , , and . ITC, page 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Industry leaders panel - How will testing change in the next 10 years?. ITC, page 1. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)How are failure modes, defect types and test methods changing for 32nm/28nm technologies and beyond?. ITC, page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Binning for IC Quality: Experimental Studies on the SEMATECH Data., , , and . DFT, page 4-10. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)SIA Roadmap: test must not limit future technologies.. ITC, page 1152. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Physically-Aware N-Detect Test., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst., 31 (2): 308-321 (2012)ASIC Test Cost/Strategy Trade-offs., , , and . ITC, page 93-102. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Application and Analysis of IDDQ Diagnostic Software., , and . ITC, page 319-327. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)MINVDD Testing for Weak CMOS ICs., , , and . VTS, page 339-345. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Session Abstract.. VTS, page 44. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)