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Control Movement Scheme based on Manipulability Concept for a Surgical Robotic Assistant., , , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 245-250. IEEE, (2006)Pivoting motion control for a laparoscopic assistant robot and human clinical trials., , , , и . Adv. Robotics, 19 (6): 694-712 (2005)Robot Collaborative Assistance for Suture Procedures via Minimally Invasive Surgery., , , и . ROBOT (1), том 252 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 255-269. Springer, (2013)Human-machine Interface Evaluation in a Computer Assisted Surgical System., , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 231-236. IEEE, (2004)Auto-guided movements on Minimally Invasive Surgery for surgeon assistance., , и . IROS, стр. 1843-1848. IEEE, (2010)Control Movement Scheme based on Manipulability Concept for a Surgical Robotic Assistant., , , , , , , и . ICRA, стр. 245-250. IEEE, (2006)Robotic system for single incision laparoscopic surgery., , , и . IECON, стр. 2774-2779. IEEE, (2012)Minimally invasive surgery maneuver recognition based on surgeon model., , , , , и . IROS, стр. 5522-5527. IEEE, (2009)Control Methodologies for Endoscope Navigation in Robotized Laparoscopic Surgery., , , и . Eurobot Conference, том 82 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 11-22. Springer, (2009)Human-Robot Interaction Applied to Robotized Laparoscopic Suture., , , , , и . ROBOT (2), том 978 из Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, стр. 474-485. Springer, (2023)