The new EFMD Online Course Certification System (EOCCS) is designed as an international certification system firmly embedded in the general philosophy of EFMD accreditations, namely internationalisation, practical relevance and quality improvement. EOCCS is open to any institution delivering online business and/or management-related courses that are stand-alone or constitute part of a certificate or programme. The institution must be able to demonstrate that the four EOCCS standards are satisfied.
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A. Armellini, und B. Rodriguez. Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 14 (1):
17--28(Juni 2016)The Journal of Interactive Online Learning is published by a joint effort of The University of Alabama, the University of Texas at Tyler, and Miami University, as well as faculty from other institutions..
T. Daradoumis, R. Bassi, F. Xhafa, und S. Caballé. P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC), 2013 Eighth International Conference on, Seite 208-213. IEEE, (2013)
P. Adamopoulos. ICIS, Association for Information Systems, (2013)The findings of our analysis illustrate that Professor(s) is the most important factor in online course retention and has the largest positive effect on the probability of a student to successfully complete a course. The sentiment of students for Assignments and Course Material also has positive effects on the successful completeness of a course whereas the Discussion Forum has a positive effect on the probability to partially complete a course. Furthermore, self-paced courses have a negative effect, compared to courses that follow a specific timetable. In addition, the difficulty, the workload, and the duration of a course have a negative effect. On the other hand, for the more difficult courses, self-paced timetable, longer duration in weeks, and more workload have a positive effect on the probability to successfully complete a course. Besides, final exams and projects, open textbooks, and peer assessment have also positive effects. Moreover, whether a certificate is awarded upon the successful completion of a course also affects retention. Additionally, the better a university is considered (i.e. higher ranking), the more likely that a student will successfully complete a course. Further, our results illustrate that the courses which belong to the academic disciplines of Business and Management, Computer Science, and Science have a positive significant effect in contrast to courses in other disciplines (i.e. Engineering, Humanities, and Mathematics). Finally, attrition was not found to be related with student characteristics (i.e. gender, formal education)..
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