It pains me that I have to write this, but Gaia-X is a harmful and expensive distraction, and it is not doing anything that will ever get us a “European cloud”, not even indirectly. Its very existence is holding back progress. For this reason, Gaia-X should be abandoned, and we should try to learn as much as possible from its failure, so we can try something else. I provide some inspiration at the end of this post.
EU countries finally adopted the platform work directive at a meeting of EU labour ministers on Monday (11 March), after Estonia and Greece, which had abstained in the past, voted in favour “in the spirit of compromise”.
Millionen Lieferdienst- und Taxifahrer großer Online-Plattformen können auf bessere Arbeitsbedingungen hoffen. Die EU-Staaten sprachen sich für neue Vorgaben...
Die EU hat sich auf eine Ausweitung des Emissionshandels verständigt. Auch der Schiffsverkehr wird künftig einbezogen. Doch nach <em>NDR</em>-Informationen wird es weiter Ausnahmen geben - unter anderem für große Jachten. <em>Von Christian Baars.</em>
High-ranking representatives of the European Commission's DG Connect will brief EU lawmakers as part of an 'in camera' meeting on Friday (12 February), after a contingent of parliament members wrote to the EU executive to voice their concerns on guidance issued for the EU's copyright directive.
In an interview with Investigate Europe, Emily O'Reilly, the European Union’s Ombudsman, criticizes the lack of legislative transparency in the Council of the EU.
Last week during the EU summit, the Portuguese Union, CGTP-Intersindical, organised the biggest demonstration in Lisbon in 20 years. How did they manage to demonstrate more or less unnoticed and without being mentioned by the media, asks Thomas Rupp, coor...
The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) is an independent academic institute within the Hans-Böckler-Stiftung. The institute focuses on the improvement of life chances, on social justice and fair working and living conditions.
Today, the European Social Partners Framework Agreement on Digitalisation was signed by BusinessEurope, ETUC, CEEP and SMEunited to support the successful digital transformation of Europe’s economy and to manage its large implications for labour markets, the world of work and society at large.
The digital transformation of the economy is a multifaceted topic with large implications for labour markets, the world of work and society at large. It is dealt with in a variety of ways by EU member states, due to different social and economic situations, labour markets and industrial relations systems and existing initiatives, practices and collective agreements.
Après avoir longtemps nié la réalité de la crise sanitaire, la présidente de la Commission s'est bornée pendant des semaines à s’exprimer quasi exclusivement dans les médias germaniques, laissant penser qu'elle n'a toujours pas pris la mesure de son rôle à l'échelle de l'Union.
Despite its commitment to ‘trustworthy’ artificial intelligence, the EU is bankrolling AI projects that are questionable, write Fieke Jansen and Daniel Leufer.
he EU has failed its citizens. It runs amok directed by Germany’s ossified and frail leader Angela Merkel, and a political class that primarily values its own entitlement.
German Data Privacy Commissioner Ulrich Kelber is also a computer scientist, which makes him uniquely qualified to comment on the potential consequences of the proposed new EU Copyright Directive. The Directive will be voted on at the end of this month, and its Article 13 requires that online...
The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is calling for the adoption of the final agreement concluded last night by the three institutions, the EU Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States on Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions.
M. Mascherini, M. Bisello, H. Dubois, and F. Eiffe. Research Report, ef18003. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin, (December 2018)
P. Kerckhofs, C. Welz, S. Contrepois, and S. Jefferys. Report, EF1644. European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound), Luxembourg, (December 2016)
B. Keller. European Union -- European industrial relations? Global challenge, national development and transitional dynamics, Routledge, London, (1998)