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The Impact of Source Code Transformations on Software Power and Energy Consumption., , , и . Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 11 (5): 477-502 (2002)Maps for Easy Paths (MEP): Enriching Maps with Accessible Paths Using MEP Traces., , , и . GOODTECHS, том 195 из Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, стр. 254-263. Springer, (2016)High-Efficiency Multi-Sensor System for Chair Usage Detection., , , , и . Sensors, 21 (22): 7580 (2021)CardiaPPG - A Portable, Low-Cost Photopletismograph for the Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Age., , , , , и . ICDH, стр. 227-233. IEEE, (2023)Preventing Muscle Imbalance: A Cost-Effective Solution for Home Exercise., , , , и . GoodIT, стр. 173-181. ACM, (2023)BUZZBAND: A Vibrating Wristband for Hearing-Impaired Elderly People., , , , и . ICCHP-AAATE (2), том 13342 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 113-120. Springer, (2022)A novel methodology for designing TSC networks based on the parity bit code., , и . ED&TC, стр. 440-444. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Toward an FPGA implementation of XCS., , , и . Congress on Evolutionary Computation, стр. 2053-2060. IEEE, (2005)A First Step Towards Hw/Sw Partitioning of UML Specifications., , , и . DATE, стр. 10668-10673. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Concurrent Error Detection at Architectural Level., , , и . ISSS, стр. 72-75. ACM / IEEE Computer Society, (1998)