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A Methodology for the Efficient Architectural Exploration of Energy-Delay Trade-offs for Embedded Systems., , , , , и . SAC, стр. 672-678. ACM, (2003)Power-aware branch prediction techniques: a compiler-hints based approach for VLIW processors., , , , , и . ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, стр. 440-443. ACM, (2004)Embedded systems education: how to teach the required skills?, , , , , и . CODES+ISSS, стр. 254-255. ACM, (2004)Virtual semi-concurrent self-checking for heterogeneous MPSoC architectures., и . ASAP, стр. 80-81. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)On-line Diagnosis and Reconfiguration of FPGA Systems., , и . DELTA, стр. 291-296. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)High-level Synthesis of Data Paths with Concurrent Error Detection., , и . DFT, стр. 292-300. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Configuration-Specific Test Pattern Extraction for Field Programmable Gate Arrays., , , и . DFT, стр. 85-93. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Optimizing High-Level Synthesis for Self-Checking Arithmetic Circuits., , и . DFT, стр. 268-276. IEEE Computer Society, (1996)Minimizing the Application Time for Manufacturer Testing of FPGA (Abstract)., , , и . FPGA, стр. 258. ACM, (1998)MRI parallel processing for embedded visualization., , и . ICCE-Berlin, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2013)