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State space self-organization based on the interaction between basis functions., , and . IROS, page 2929-2934. IEEE, (2005)Investigation of social adaptive skills by cross-cultural simulation game and KiSS-18., , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2010)Robotic social imitation depends on self-embodiment and self-evaluation by direct teaching under multiple instructors., , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 2046-2051. IEEE, (2008)AI Wolf Contest - Development of Game AI Using Collective Intelligence -., , , , , and . CGW@IJCAI, volume 705 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 101-115. (2016)State Space Self Organization based on Human-Robot Interaction., , and . AMiRE, page 331-336. Springer, (2005)Case Based Online Training Support System for ADR Mediator., , , and . ICAIL, page 234-235. ACM, (2005)Let's Play Catch in Words: Online Negotiation System with a Sense of Presence Based on Haptic Interaction., , and . Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops, page 357-360. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)978-0-7695-3801-3.Generating human-like discussion by paraphrasing a translation by the AIWolf protocol using werewolf BBS logs., , , , , , and . FUZZ-IEEE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Should a Driving Support Agent Provide Explicit Instructions to the User? Video-based Study Focused on Politeness Strategies., , , , , and . HAI, page 157-164. ACM, (2021)Online Support System for Mediator Education., , , and . IJCAI, page 1702-1703. Professional Book Center, (2005)