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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

M-SPLearning: A Software Product Line for Mobile Learning Applications., , , , und . UML-Based Software Product Line Engineering with SMarty, Springer, (2023)Evolving a Mobile Learning Software Product Line for the Teaching of Programming through an Industry Practitioner Perspective., und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2020)An interactive approach for the teaching of virtual memory using open educational resources., , , , und . SAC, Seite 225-231. ACM, (2016)A survey on graduates' curriculum-based knowledge gaps in software testing., , , , und . FIE, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2018)A Lightweight Web Tool to Support Feedback in Introductory Programming Practices in Brazilian Undergraduate Disciplines., , , , , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2023)Towards a Catalog of Gestures for M-learning Applications for the Teaching of Programming., , , und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE, (2018)Integrating Project Based Learning and Project Management for Software Engineering Teaching: An Experience Report., , , , , , , , und . SIGCSE, Seite 806-811. ACM, (2018)OER-Chat: An Open Chatbot to Support the Reuse of Open Educational Resources of Introductory Programming., und . HICSS, Seite 5195-5204. ScholarSpace, (2024)Towards the use of an automatic assessment system in the teaching of software testing., , , , und . FIE, Seite 1-8. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)A survey on problems related to the teaching of programming in Brazilian educational institutions., und . FIE, Seite 1-9. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)