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Synthesis of Self-Testable Controllers., и . EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC, стр. 580-585. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)Analyzing and quantifying fault tolerance properties.. LATW, стр. 1. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Fast Self-Recovering Controllers., , и . VTS, стр. 296-302. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Are Robust Circuits Really Robust?, и . DFT, стр. 77-77. IEEE Computer Society, (2009)The Impact of Manufacturing Defects on the Fault Tolerance of TMR-Systems., и . DFT, стр. 101-108. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)Variation-Aware Test for Logic Interconnects using Neural Networks - A Case Study., , , и . DFT, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Analyzing Test and Repair Times for 2D Integrated Memory Built-in Test and Repair., , и . DDECS, стр. 185-190. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Design-for-FAST: Supporting X-tolerant compaction during Faster-than-at-Speed Test., и . DDECS, стр. 35-41. IEEE, (2017)Synthese vollstaendig testbarer Schaltungen. Karlsruhe University, Germany, (1991) ( Rollback - A Technique for Testing Robust Circuits., , , и . VTS, стр. 125-130. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)