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Pass the Ball: Enforced Turn-Taking in Activity Tracking., , , и . CHI, стр. 2417-2426. ACM, (2015)Stable Walk: An interactive environment for exploring Stable Diffusion outputs 89-97., и . IUI Workshops, том 3359 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 89-97., (2023)2nd workshop on research in the large. using app stores, wide distribution channels and big data in ubicomp research., , , и . UbiComp, стр. 619-620. ACM, (2011)Mobility is the Message: Experiments with Mobile Media Sharing.. Stockholm University, Sweden, (2013)Personal Tracking of Screen Time on Digital Devices., , , , и . CHI, стр. 284-296. ACM, (2016)Performing a check-in: emerging practices, norms and 'conflicts' in location-sharing using foursquare., , и . Mobile HCI, стр. 57-66. ACM, (2011)Research in the large. using app stores, markets, and other wide distribution channels in Ubicomp research., , , , и . UbiComp (Adjunct Papers), стр. 511-514. ACM, (2010)Mobile Wellbeing., , , , , и . NordiCHI, стр. 137. ACM, (2016)Perspectives and Practices of Digital Accessibility: A Survey of User Experience Professionals in Nordic Countries., , , , и . NordiCHI, стр. 63:1-63:11. ACM, (2020)When Media Gets Wise: collaborative filtering with mobile media agents., , и . IUI, стр. 291-293. ACM, (2006)