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Turn-Taking, Children, and the Unpredictability of Fun., и . AI Mag., 37 (4): 55-62 (2016)Adapting Event Extractors to Medical Data: Bridging the Covariate Shift., , и . EACL, стр. 2963-2975. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Using Group History to Identify Character-Directed Utterances in Multi-Child Interactions., , и . SIGDIAL Conference, стр. 207-216. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2012)The Robot Who Knew Too Much: Toward Understanding the Privacy/Personalization Trade-Off in Child-Robot Conversation., и . IDC, стр. 379-387. ACM, (2016)Persistent Memory in Repeated Child-Robot Conversations., , и . IDC, стр. 238-247. ACM, (2017)An Automatic Evaluation Framework for Social Conversations with Robots., , , и . TAHRI, стр. 56-64. ACM, (2024)Mole Madness - A Multi-Child, Fast-Paced, Speech-Controlled Game., и . AAAI Spring Symposia, AAAI Press, (2015)Exploring Children's Verbal and Acoustic Synchrony: Towards Promoting Engagement in Speech-Controlled Robot-Companion Games., , и . INTERPERSONAL@ICMI, стр. 21-24. ACM, (2015)A tongue input device for creating conversations., , , и . UIST, стр. 117-126. ACM, (2011)Incremental Acquisition and Reuse of Multimodal Affective Behaviors in a Conversational Agent., , , и . HAI, стр. 92-100. ACM, (2018)