Autor der Publikation

Supporting Citizen Inquiry: An Investigation of Moon Rock.

, , , und . EC-TEL, Volume 8095 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 383-395. Springer, (2013)

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The Design and Evaluation of a Sensor-Based Mobile Application for Citizen Inquiry Science Investigations., , und . EC-TEL, Volume 8719 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 434-439. Springer, (2014)InstanceCollage: A Graphical Tool for the Particularization of Role/Group Structures in Pattern-Based IMS-LD Collaborative Scripts., , , , und . ICALT, Seite 506-510. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Looking Into Collaborative Learning: Design from Macro- and Micro-Script Perspectives., , , und . AIED, Volume 200 von Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Seite 231-238. IOS Press, (2009)Supporting Citizen Inquiry: An Investigation of Moon Rock., , , und . EC-TEL, Volume 8095 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 383-395. Springer, (2013)Educational Patterns as a Guide to Create Units of Learning and Assessment., , , , , , und . ICALT, Seite 1055-1056. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)CSCL Scripting Patterns: Hierarchical Relationships and Applicability., , , , und . ICALT, Seite 388-392. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)nQuire for the OpenScience Lab: Supporting Communities of Inquiry Learning., , , und . EC-TEL, Volume 8095 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 585-588. Springer, (2013)An Ontology-Based Architecture for the Management and Interoperability of Patterns in Collaborative Learning Design Tools., , , und . ICALT, Seite 267-269. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Tuning IMS LD for Implementing a Collaborative Lifelong Learning Scenario., , , , , und . ICALT, Seite 1160-1161. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Sense-it: A Smartphone Toolkit for Citizen Inquiry Learning., , , , und . mLearn, Volume 560 von Communications in Computer and Information Science, Seite 366-377. Springer, (2015)