21.06.2022 Im Projekt Knight erforscht die Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart den Einsatz von Learning Analytics und künstlicher Intelligenz in der Lehre. Untersucht wird, wie Lernprozesse automatisiert unterstützt werden können, KI in der Lehre verankert werden kann, aber auch wie die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben entlastet werden können.
As part of our mini-series Podcast in AI in Education: Pedagogy first, senior AI specialist Tom Moule speaks with Scott Hayden from Basingstoke College of Technology about they are using AI to support personalised learning.
Commentary on Artificial intelligence in education: what issues do we need to start considering now? by Stephen Downes. Online learning, e-learning, new media, connectivism, MOOCs, personal learning environments, new literacy, and more
Artificial intelligence in higher education isn't without its risks. Here are three possible trouble spots for the use of AI. Elana Zeide is Associate Professor of Law at the University of Nebraska.
Seit dem 01. Dezember 2021 fördert das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen der Förderlinie „Digitale Hochschulbildung“ das Verbundprojekt IMPACT – Implementierung von KI-basiertem Feedback und Assessment mit Trusted Learning Analytics in Hochschulen.
Der Kurs vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verständnis für Machine Learning und den Umgang mit Algorithmen. Nach einem Einführungsteil auf der Basis inhaltlicher Wissensvermittlung, haben Sie intensiv die Möglichkeit, Kompetenzen durch forschendes Lernen und anhand realer Szenarien zu entwickeln.
What’s the overlap between Artificial Intelligence and Learning Analytics? How an answer to a playful OpenAI question turned out to be surprisingly insightful!
Zusammen mit Joana Grah (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf; HHU) und Steffen Brandt (opencampus.sh), die die Möglichkeiten praxisorientierter, fachübergreifender Bildungsangebote zu KI beispielhaft aufzeigen, sowie mit Rolf Bardeli (Lead Data Scientist, Vodafone) und Herrn Prof. Stefan Harmeling (Leiter Arbeitsgruppe Machine Learning, HHU), die ihre Perspektiven aus der Praxis einbringen, möchten wir diskutieren, welche Kompetenzen im Bereich KI aktuell am dringendsten benötigt werden.
A new report by Jisc has been compiled to help universities, colleges and research institutes think about the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), and to combat “unfairness” or “unexpected effects” for students and staff in education and research.
Data is sometimes seen as something cold and removed from the human element, but in reality, it is a window into that very humanity, and can form an essential foundation for keeping students on track.
The purpose of the Expertise Connections sessions was for participants to learn something about a topic where they are not experts. Community members with expertise (1) shared information and examples with participants who wanted to learn more about the topic, (2) provided a forum for participants to discuss how they might incorporate the topic into their work, and (3) brokered connections between community members who are interested in a topic.
As data scientists and business leaders, we need to think about the ethical and privacy considerations of machine learning and artificial intelligence. FICO's Scott Zoldi shares recommendations around responsible AI, ethics, and privacy during this important conversation.
This thematic series examines the potential and actual impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on higher education (HE). The focus is primarily on the use of AI for supporting teaching and learning.
From building those in-demand digital skills to tackling digital poverty and agreeing common data standards - data analytics may sounds clinical but it's much more about people than technology, argues Karen Foster.
Artificial intelligence (AI) often features in visions of the future, but the education sector need not wait; this is an opportunity we are seizing right now.
by Andy McGregor on 27 April 2021
Das Projekt „Kontextbasierte und adaptive Maßnahmen für effektive Lernunterstützung in der Online-Weiterbildung“ – kurz KAMAELEON – des Mannheimer Wirtschaftspädagogikprofessors Dirk Ifenthaler zählt zu den Gewinnerprojekten des Innovationswettbewerbs INVITE.
M. Tavakoli, A. Faraji, M. Molavi, S. Mol, and G. Kismihók. (2021)cite arxiv:2112.12100Comment: This paper has been accepted to be published in the 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK'2022), March 21--25, 2022. ACM.