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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

An IMC based enhancement of accuracy and robustness of impedance control., , und . ICRA, Seite 2623-2628. IEEE, (2008)An Adaptive PID Control for Robot Manipulators Under Substantial Payload Variations., , , und . IEEE Access, (2020)A Study on the Design of Error-Based Adaptive Robust RBF Neural Network Back-Stepping Controller for 2-DOF Snake Robot's Head., , und . IEEE Access, (2023)Nonlinear bang-bang impact control for free space, impact and constrained motion: multi-DOF case., , , und . ACC, Seite 1913-1920. IEEE, (2005)Terminal sliding-mode based force tracking control of piezoelectric actuators for variable physical damping system., , , und . IROS, Seite 2407-2413. IEEE, (2014)Robust Tracking Under Nonlinear Friction Using Time-Delay Control With Internal Model., , , und . IEEE Trans. Contr. Sys. Techn., 17 (6): 1406-1414 (2009)Development of refractory brick construction robot in steel works., , , und . CASE, Seite 796-801. IEEE, (2012)Improving time-delay control for robot manipulators using TSK fuzzy logic control systems., , , und . AIM, Seite 1743-1748. IEEE, (2017)Stability guaranteed auto-tuning algorithm of a time-delay controller using a modified Nussbaum function., , , und . Int. J. Control, 87 (9): 1926-1935 (2014)Design and control of hybrid Flexible robotic gripper with high stiffness and stability., , und . ASCC, Seite 2503-2505. IEEE, (2022)