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Other publications of authors with the same name

Macro Analysis on how to Potentiate Experimental Competences Using VISIR., , , , and . TEEM, page 624-632. ACM, (2018)Experimenting in PILAR federation: A common path for the future., , , , , , , , , and 12 other author(s). EDUCON, page 1518-1523. IEEE, (2018)Lab-based Education., , and . TEEM, page 533-535. ACM, (2021)Engineering Education: Professional Demands., , and . TEEM, page 75-77. ACM, (2020)PILAR: a Federation of VISIR Remote Laboratory Systems for Educational Open Activities., , , , , , , , , and 14 other author(s). TALE, page 134-141. IEEE, (2018)VISIR+ Project Follow-up after four years: Educational and research impact., , , , , , , , , and 5 other author(s). FIE, page 1-8. IEEE, (2023)Brainstorming Students' Needs versus Engineering Demands., , and . TEEM, page 78-83. ACM, (2020)21st Century Challenges in Engineering and Technological learning., , and . TEEM, page 11:1-11:3. ACM, (2017)Conductive ink vs force sensing resistors in plantar pressure soles: WalkinSense®, MyCareShoe® and DIAPODAL., , , , , and . MeMeA, page 1-6. IEEE, (2023)A federation of VISIR remote laboratories through the PILAR Project., , , , , , , , , and 10 other author(s)., page 28-32. IEEE, (2017)